Professorial of Police Ins. Gen. (Ret) Prof. Dr. Drs. Bambang Karsono, SH., MM., Ph.D., D. Crim (HC)

Penganugerahan Gelar Professor / Professorial Conferment

(Mei 2023)

Rektor Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya, Irjen Pol (Purn) Dr. Drs. Bambang Karsono, S.H., M.M., menerima penganugerahan gelar akademik tertinggi sebagai Profesor dari  Universitas Mindanao dalam program Top Level Executive Exchange Program. Pengukuhan Gelar Profesor ini diberikan dalam acara 6th Academic Investiture for Professorial Conferment di Universitas Mindanao, Davao, Filipina.


Rector of Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya University, Police Inspector General (Ret.) Dr. Drs. Bambang Karsono, S.H., M.M., received the highest academic title as Professor from the University of Mindanao in the Top Level Executive Exchange Program. The inauguration of this Professorship was given at the 6th Academic Investiture for Professorial Conferment at the University of Mindanao, Davao, Philippines.


Wakil Rektor Bidang Akademik Universitas Mindanao, Dr. Ronnie V. Amorado mengatakan, “Sebagai bagian dari kampanye yang secara intensif dilakukan untuk pembukaan berbagai program pertukaran mahasiswa dan staf akademik yang dilakukan antar negara, Universitas Mindanao telah menerima banyak mahasiswa asing yang berasal dari Korea Selatan, Indoesia, Turki, India dan sejumlah negara dari Asia, Afrika hingga Amerika. Hari ini kita akan menyaksikan pengukuhan gelar Profesor dari Program Pertukaran Level Eksekutif yang Tengah dikembangkan bekerja sama dengan Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya,” ucap Ronnie V. Amorado.


Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs of the University of Mindanao, Dr. Ronnie V. Amorado said, “As part of an intensive campaign carried out for the opening of various student and academic staff exchange programs between countries and universities, University of Mindanao has received many foreign students from South Korea, Indonesia, Türkiye, India and a number of countries from Asia, Africa to America. Today we will witnessed the inauguration of the title of Professor of the current Executive Level Exchange Program developed in collaboration with Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya University", said Ronnie V. Amorado.


Pengukuhan gelar profesor ini dilakukan di depan dewan akademik dan pimpinan fakultas di Universitas Mindanao serta dipimpin oleh Presiden Universitas Mindanao. Presiden Universitas Mindanao dalam kesempatan sebelumnya saat penyerahan undangan penganugerahan gelar profesor kepada Rektor Ubhara Jaya menegaskan momen ini menandai kolaborasi yang semakin kuat antara kedua perguruan tinggi. “Ubhara Jaya dan Universitas Mindanao memulai kolaborasi internasional di bidang akademik pada tahun 2016 lalu. Kolaborasi yang terus bergerak dinamis dan telah memiliki banyak

inovasi program mulai dari kuliah internasional, program penelitian bersama mahasiswa dan dosen, serta program pertukaran mahasiswa,” tegasnya.


The inauguration of the title of professor was carried out in front of the academic council and faculty leaders at Matina Campus, Davao City, led by the President of the University of Mindanao.


President of the University of Mindanao on the previous occasion when handing over invitations The awarding of the title of professor to the Chancellor of Ubhara Jaya emphasized that this moment marked increasingly strong collaboration between the two universities. “Ubhara Jaya and the University of Mindanao started international collaboration in the academic field in 2016. Collaborations that continue to move dynamically and already have many

program innovations ranging from international lectures, research programs with students and lecturers, as well as student exchange programs," he stressed.

Rektor Ubhara Jaya, Irjen Pol (Purn) Prof. Dr. Drs. Bambang Karsono, S.H., M.M., mengatakan, "Dukungan Universitas Mindanao menjadi loncatan penting bagi kemajuan akademik dan sejalan dengan cita cita Ubhara Jaya untuk menjadi kampus unggulan di level nasional dan internasional.” Pengukuhan gelar profesor bagi Rektor Ubhara Jaya ini disaksikan langsung oleh Konjen RI di Davao, Filipina, Dr Achmad Djatmiko beserta jajaran, dan perwakilan dari Kementerian Pendidikan Filipina.

Rector of Ubhara Jaya, Police Inspector General (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Drs. Bambang Karsono, S.H., M.M., said, "The support of the University of Mindanao is an important step for progress academically and in line with Ubhara Jaya's dream to become a superior campus at the level national and international.” The inauguration of the title of professor for the Rector of Ubhara Jaya was witnessed directly by the Indonesian Consul General in Davao, Philippines, Dr Achmad Djatmiko and his staff and representatives from the Ministry of Education of The Philiphines.

Penganugerahan gelar profesor bagi Rektor Ubhara Jaya ini menjadi semangat dan energi baik bagi Ubhara Jaya dalam upaya mewujudkan cita cita menjadi perguruan tinggi unggulan di tingkat nasional dan internasional.

The awarding of the title of professor to the Rector of Ubhara Jaya is a source of enthusiasm and good energy for Ubhara Jaya in its efforts to realize its goal of becoming a superior university at the national and international level.

Visiting Professor




Delivering Invitation for Professorial Conferment and Visiting Professor

Undangan Pengukuhan Gelar Professor / Professorial Conferment’s Invitation  

(11 Mei 2023)

Rektor Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya memperoleh Undangan Peganugerahan Gelar Profesor dari Universitas Mindanao, Filipina. Undangan untuk mendapatkan penganugerahan gelar profesor kepada Rektor Ubhara Jaya, Inspektur Jenderal Polisi (Purn) Dr. Drs Bambang Karsono, S.H., M.M, disampaikan langsung Presiden Universitas Mindanao, Guillermo P. Torres Jr., Ed.D saat menghadiri acara wisuda di Kampus II Ubhara Jaya, Kamis Pagi (11//5/2023).

The Rector of Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya University received an Invitation for Professorial Conferment  from the University of Mindanao, Philippines. Invitation to be awarded the title of professor to the Rector of Ubhara Jaya, Police Inspector General (Ret.) Dr. Drs Bambang Karsono, S.H., M.M, delivered directly by the President of the University of Mindanao, Sir Guillermo P. Torres Jr., Ed.D while attending the graduation ceremony at Campus II Ubhara Jaya, Thursday May 11 2023.

Acara penganugerahan gelar Profesor, akan berlangsung di Universitas Mindanao, “Undangan resmi untuk penganugerahan sekaligus menjadi professor tamu (visiting professor) ini akan berlangsung di Universitas Mindanao pada bulan Juli mendatang, di Davao City,“ jelas Dr. Guillermo Torres.

The event for awarding the title of Professor will take place at the University of Mindanao. "The official invitation for the award and becoming a visiting professor will take place at the University of Mindanao next July, in Davao City," explained Dr. Guillermo P. Torres Jr., D.Ed.

Presiden Universitas Mindanao mengatakan, hal ini menandai kolaborasi yang semakin kuat di bidang akademik antara kedua perguruan tinggi, “Ubhara Jaya dan Universitas Mindanao memulai kolaborasi internasional di bidang akademik pada tahun 2016 lalu. Kolaborasi yang terus bergerak dinamis dan telah memiliki banyak inovasi program mulai dari kuliah internasional, program penelitian bersama mahasiswa dan dosen, serta program pertukaran mahasiswa. Komitmen ini akan terus berkembang hingga pertukaran pada tingkat akademik yang lebih tinggi lagi,” jelasnya.

The President of the University of Mindanao said, this marks an increasingly strong collaboration in the academic field between the two universities, "Ubhara Jaya and the University of Mindanao started international collaboration in the academic field in 2016. Collaboration continues to move dynamically and has many program innovations ranging from international lectures, joint research programs with students and lecturers, as well as student exchange programs. "This commitment will continue to develop to exchange at a higher academic level," he explained.

Dalam sambutannya Rektor Ubhara Jaya, Irjen Pol (Purn) Dr. Drs. Bambang Karsono, S.H., M.M., mengatakan, "Dukungan dari Universitas Mindanao menjadi loncatan yang sangat penting bagi kemajuan akademik dan meningkatkan kualitas pengajaran dan penelitian di Ubhara Jaya."

In his remarks, the Rector of Ubhara Jaya, Police Inspector General (Ret.) Dr. Drs. Bambang Karsono, S.H., M.M., said, "Support from the University of Mindanao is a very important step for academic progress and improving the quality of teaching and research at Ubhara Jaya."