Visiting Fellows

University of Mindanao (UM), Filipina menggelar Academic Investiture Program pada 7 Maret 2017.  Acara ini merupakan penyambutan peserta visiting fellowship atau peserta magang dari berbagai negara kepada seluruh civitas akademika UM. Academic Investiture Program sudah berlangsung selama tiga kali, saat ini yang keempat kalinya memperkenalkan peserta Dosen Fakultas Hukum Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya, Clara Ignatia Tobing, SH., MH.

The University of Mindanao (UM), Philippines held an Academic Investiture Program on March 7 2017. This event welcomed visiting fellowship participants or internship participants from various countries to the entire UM academic community. The Academic Investiture Program has been running for three times, currently the fourth time introducing participants to the Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya University, Clara Ignatia Tobing, SH., MH.

Peserta visiting fellowship dari Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya ini rencananya akan bekerja di UM selama enam bulan. Terpilihnya Clara mewakili UBJ dan Indonesia merupakan tindak lanjut dari kerja sama Davao Accord yang telah ditandatangani bersama antara UM dan UBJ pada tahun 2016 lalu.

This visiting fellowship participant from Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya University plans to work at UM for six months. Clara's election to represent UBJ and Indonesia is a follow-up to the Davao Accord cooperation which was jointly signed between UM and UBJ last year.

Selama menetap di Kota Davao, Filipina dan bekerja sebagai akademisi di UM, Clara akan melakukan beberapa proyek, seperti penelitian bersama dan public lecturer atau kuliah umum yang akan dilakukan selama berada di UM.

While living in Davao City, Philippines and working as an academic at UM, Clara will carry out several projects, such as joint research and public lectures that will be held while at UM.

Dalam sesi public lecture, Clara mengungkapkan bahwa program fellowship yang dijalaninya, selain bertujuan untuk melakukan joint research dengan Dr Calis Nabe dari College of Criminal Justice and Education UM, juga sebagai inisiasi Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) antara Indonesia yang diwakili oleh UBJ dan Filipina yang diwakili oleh UM. MRA ini dilakukan sebagai upaya untuk kesetaraan profesi di bidang kriminologi sekaligus memberikan dasar sertifikasi bagi para pekerja di bidang kriminologi di dua negara.

In the public lecture session, Clara revealed that the fellowship program she was undertaking, apart from being aimed at conducting joint research with Dr Calis Nabe from UM's College of Criminal Justice and Education, was also the initiation of a Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) between Indonesia, represented by UBJ, and the Philippines, represented by represented by UM. This MRA was carried out as an effort for professional equality in the field of criminology as well as providing a basis for certification for workers in the field of criminology in the two countries.

Adanya beberapa perbedaan mengenai profesi kriminologi di antara kedua negara juga dibahas dalam public lecture tersebut. Di Filipina, semua profesi kriminologi seperti Jaksa, Pengacara, Hakim dan Polisi harus menempuh pendidikan di Fakultas Kriminologi atau CCJE, sedangkan di Indonesia hanya hakim, jaksa dan pengacara yang harus menempuh pendidikan hukum, sedang polisi menempuh pendidikan yang berbeda.

The existence of several differences regarding the criminology profession between the two countries was also discussed in the public lecture. In the Philippines, all criminology professions such as Prosecutors, Lawyers, Judges and Police must study at the Faculty of Criminology or CCJE, whereas in Indonesia only judges, prosecutors and lawyers have to study law, while the police take a different education.

UBJ dari Indonesia adalah kampus yang sangat tepat untuk memulai inisiasi antar negara di bidang kriminologi, karena UBJ adalah universitas di bawah Yayasan Brata Bhakti, yayasan Kepolisian Republik Indonesia dapat memudahkan penelitian mengenai penegakan hukum di Indonesia dapat digali lebih dalam dengan pendekatan yang unik.

UBJ from Indonesia is a very appropriate campus to start an inter-country initiative in the field of criminology, because UBJ is a university under the Brata Bhakti Foundation, the Republic of Indonesia Police Foundation, which can make it easier for research on law enforcement in Indonesia to be explored more deeply with a unique approach.

MRA ini kemudian diungkapkan UM dan UBJ sebagai cita-cita bersama dari terbentuknya AQRF diantara negara-negara ASEAN di bidang kriminologi, sebagai penyetaraan kualifikasi pekerjaan di bidang kriminologi yang memudahkan perpindahan jasa diantara negara-negara di ASEAN.

This MRA was then expressed by UM and UBJ as a common goal of establishing AQRF among ASEAN countries in the field of criminology, as an equalization of job qualifications in the field of criminology which facilitates the transfer of services between countries in ASEAN.

Selain dihadiri oleh Rektor, para Wakil Rektor, para Dekan dan Jajaran Akademis UM, polisi dan para ahli Kriminologi di Kota Davao, acara ini juga dihadiri oleh Dr Winston John Casio dari Phillipine Society for Criminologist Criminal Justice Professionals (PSCCJP), Felix Z. Camerino JR Assistant Legal Advisor Dari US Departement Of Justuce, Diah Ayu Permatasari Wakil Rektor IV UBJ, dan Endah Yuliarti dari Konsulat Jendral Republik Indonesia di Kota Davao.

Apart from being attended by the President of UM, Vice President, Deans and Academic Staff of UM, police and Criminology experts in Davao City, this event was also attended by Dr Winston John Casio from the Philippine Society for Criminologist Criminal Justice Professionals (PSCCJP), Felix Z. Camerino JR Assistant Legal Advisor from the US Department of Justice, Diah Ayu Permatasari Deputy Chancellor IV UBJ, and Endah Yuliarti from the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Davao City.

Intolerance Acts in Philippines and Indonesia: a Comparative Study

Graduation Ceremony

Dies Natalis ke-22 dan Wisuda 2017


Dies Natalis ke-22 dan Wisuda 2017, UBJ Perkuat Komitmen Pencegahan Terorisme dan Radikalisme Sebagai Kampus Unggulan Berbasis Sekuriti

22nd Anniversary and 2017 Graduation Ceremony, UBJ Strengthens Commitment to Preventing Terrorism and Radicalism as a Leading Security-Based Campus

10 October 2017

Bekasi – Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya (UBJ) menyelenggarakan Dies Natalis ke-22 dan Wisuda Program Sarjana dan Pasca Sarjana tahun 2017. Tahun ini, UBJ berhasil meluluskan 835 orang yang terdiri dari Sarjana Ekonomi 260 orang, Sarjana Teknik 212 orang, Sarjana Ilmu Komunikasi 55 orang, Sarjana Psikologi 77 orang, dan Sarjana Hukum 145 orang, serta Magister Manajemen 36 orang dan Magister Hukum 50 orang. Dengan demikian Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya telah mempersembahkan lulusan terbaiknya guna mendarma baktikan diri kepada bangsa dan negara sebanyak 6.457 sarjana dan magister. Acara Dies Natalis dan Wisuda 2017 diselenggarakan di Auditorium Ubhara Jaya, Kampus II, Bekasi.

Bekasi – Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya University (UBJ) held its 22nd Anniversary and Graduation for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs in 2017. This year, UBJ succeeded in graduating 835 students consisting of 260 Bachelor of Economics, 212 Bachelor of Engineering, 55 Bachelor of Communication Sciences people, 77 people with a Bachelor of Psychology, and 145 Law Bachelors, as well as 36 Masters of Management and 50 Masters of Laws. Thus, Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya University has presented its best graduates to serve the nation and state as many as 6,457 bachelors and masters. The 2017 Anniversary and Graduation Ceremony was held at the Ubhara Jaya Auditorium, Campus II, Bekasi.

Adapun tema dari acara tersebut ialah “Meningkatkan Kualitas Iman Dan Taqwa Membangun Toleransi Beragama Dalam Kehidupan Bermasyarakat, Berbangsa Dan Bernegara Guna Menangkal Radikalisme Dengan Mengaktualisasikan Nilai-Nilai Pancasila, Uud 1945, Kebhinekaan Dalam Bingkai NKRI”. Turut hadir dalam prosesi tersebut, di antaranya adalah Prof. Dr. KH. Nasaruddin Umar, MA yang membawakan orasi ilmiah, Kapolri yang diwakili oleh Wakapolri Komjen Pol. Drs. Syafrudin, M.SI, Ketua Pembina Yayasan Brata Bhakti Jenderal Polisi (Purn) Drs. Sutanto, Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Kemenristek Dikti, Koordinator Kopertis Wilayah III, Ketua Umum Persatuan Purnawirawan Polri, Ketua Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi, Ketua Lembaga Cegah Kejahatan Indonesia, Ketua Pengurus Yayasan Brata Bhakti Irjen Pol. (Purn) Drs. S.A. Supardi, M.M, dan Presiden University of Mindanao Filipina Dr. Guillermo P. Torres, Jr.

The theme of the event is "Improving the Quality of Faith and Taqwa, Building Religious Tolerance in Community, National and State Life to Prevent Radicalism by Actualizing the Values ​​of Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, Diversity within the Framework of the Republic of Indonesia". Also attending the procession were Prof. Dr. KH. Nasaruddin Umar, MA who delivered a scientific oration, the National Police Chief represented by the Deputy National Police Chief, Police Commissioner General Drs. Syafrudin, M.SI, Chairman of the Brata Bhakti Foundation, Police General (Ret.) Drs. Sutanto, Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Coordinator of Kopertis Region III, General Chair of the National Police Retired Association, Chair of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education, Chair of the Indonesian Crime Prevention Institute, Chair of the Brata Bhakti Foundation, Inspector General of Police. (Ret.) Drs. S.A. Supardi, M.M, and President of the University of Mindanao Philippines Dr. Guillermo P. Torres, Jr.

Ketua pembina YBB Jenderal Pol. (Purn) Drs. Sutanto mengatakan, tema tersebut merupakan salah satu bentuk antisipasi dalam upaya menangkal arus radikalisme dan terorisme khususnya di lingkungan kampus, seiring dengan perkembangan radikalisme dan terorisme yang harus diwaspadai oleh bangsa indonesia bahkan dunia internasional pada umumnya.

Head of YBB supervisors, General Pol. (Ret.) Drs. Sutanto said that this theme was a form of anticipation in efforts to ward off the flow of radicalism and terrorism, especially in the campus environment, in line with the development of radicalism and terrorism which the Indonesian nation and even the international world in general must be aware of.

Rektor UBJ Irjen Pol. (Purn) Drs. H. Bambang Karsono, SH., MM menyampaikan, tema tersebut dipilih sejalan dengan penekanan dari Menteri Riset Teknologi Dan Pendidikan Tinggi serta Menko-Polhukam bahwa Rektor dan seluruh elemen kampus bertanggung jawab dalam mencegah dan memberantas paham radikalisme di kalangan dosen dan mahasiswa oleh karena paham yang mengancam persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa tersebut mulai menyasar kalangan kampus.

UBJ Rector Police Inspector General (Ret.) Drs. H. Bambang Karsono, SH., MM said that the theme was chosen in line with the emphasis of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education and the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs that the Rector and all campus elements are responsible for preventing and eradicating radicalism among lecturers and students because they understand which threatens the unity and integrity of the nation is starting to target campus circles

“Selanjutnya dalam rangka pencegahan paham radikalisme, terorisme serta pencegahan penyalahgunaan dan pemberantasan peredaran gelap narkotika, kampus dituntut untuk mengedepankan rasionalitas, kebebasan akademik, cinta tanah air, dan bela negara serta menjunjung tinggi nkri berdasarkan Pancasila UUD 1945 serta Bhineka Tunggal Ika. Oleh karenanya, seluruh civitas akademika harus dapat memberi contoh toleransi antar agama, antar suku dan antar budaya. kampus tidak hanya mencetak lulusan yang cerdas secara akademik tetapi juga cerdas dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat dan bernegara, berkarakter dan bertanggung jawab terhadap masa depan bangsa,” papar Rektor UBJ.

"Furthermore, in the context of preventing radicalism, terrorism as well as preventing abuse and eradicating illicit narcotics trafficking, campuses are required to prioritize rationality, academic freedom, love of the country and defense of the country as well as upholding the Republic of Indonesia based on the Pancasila of the 1945 Constitution and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Therefore, the entire academic community must be able to set an example of tolerance between religions, between ethnicities and between cultures. "The campus not only produces graduates who are academically intelligent but also intelligent in social and state life, with character and responsibility for the future of the nation," explained the UBJ Rector.

 Pencegahan radikalisme dan terorisme serta penyalahgunaan narkotika tersebut juga sejalan dengan visi UBJ untuk menjadi perguruan tinggi unggulan di tingkat nasional yang berwawasan kebangsaan dan berbasis sekuriti guna menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang mampu bersaing dan berperilaku baik. Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya sendiri didirikan pada tahun 1995 dengan menetapkan hari jadi tanggal 29 September yang merupakan tanggal bersejarah bagi Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia (Polri) karena pada 29 september 1945 Presiden Republik Indonesia melantik Raden Said Soekanto Tjokrodiatmodjo sebagai Kapolri yang pertama.

The prevention of radicalism and terrorism as well as narcotics abuse is also in line with UBJ's vision to become a superior university at the national level with a national perspective and security-based in order to produce human resources who are able to compete and behave well. Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya University was founded in 1995 by setting its anniversary on September 29, which is a historic date for the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia (Polri) because on September 29, 1945 the President of the Republic of Indonesia appointed Raden Said Soekanto Tjokrodiatmodjo as the first Chief of Police.

Perkembangan UBJ sebagai perguruan tinggi unggulan nasional bisa terlihat dari peningkatan jumlah mahasiswanya yang terjadi dalam tiga tahun belakangan ini, di mana pada 2015 sebanyak 1.860 mahasiswa, tahun 2016 sebanyak 1.975 mahasiswa, serta tahun 2017 sebanyak 2.007 mahasiswa. Selain itu, perkembangannya juga terlihat dari akreditasi institusi, berdasarkan data dari BAN-PT pada September 2017 sebagaimana dilansir laman resmi, dari 4312 Perguruan Tinggi Negeri dan swasta di indonesia, UBJ termasuk ke dalam 383 institusi Perguruan Tinggi yang terakreditasi B. Sedangkan, yang terakreditasi A sebanyak 49 institusi dan terakreditasi C sebanyak 832 institusi, serta ada 3.048 Perguruan Tinggi belum terakreditasi.

UBJ's development as a leading national university can be seen from the increase in the number of students that has occurred in the last three years, where in 2015 there were 1,860 students, in 2016 there were 1,975 students, and in 2017 there were 2,007 students. Apart from that, the development can also be seen from institutional accreditation, based on data from BAN-PT in September 2017 as reported by the official institutional, of the 4312 state and private universities in Indonesia, UBJ is included in the 383 higher education institutions that accredited B. Meanwhile, 49 institutions are accredited A and 832 institutions are accredited C, and there are 3,048 universities that are not yet accredited.