Pengukuhan Gelar Doktor Honoris Causa / Inauguration of Honoris Causa Doctorate Degree

(17 April 2024)

Gelar Doktor Kriminologi (Honoris Causa) disematkan kepada Rektor Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya, Irjen Pol (Purn) Prof. Dr. Drs. Bambang Karsono, S.H., M.M., dalam acara “44th Mid-Year Commencement Exercises di SMX Convention Center,” yang diselenggarakan di University of Mindanao, Philippines, Rabu pagi (17/4/2024).

Dengan penganugerahan gelar ini, Prof Bambang Karsono resmi menyandang gelar Ph.D., D.Crim, (Honoris Causa).

The title of Doctor of Criminology (Honoris Causa) was awarded to the Rector of Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya University, Police Inspector General (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Drs. Bambang Karsono, S.H., M.M., in the "44th Mid-Year Commencement Exercises at the SMX Convention Center," which was held at the University of Mindanao, Philippines, Wednesday April 17, 2024.

With the awarding of this title, Prof. Bambang Karsono officially holds the title Ph.D., D.Crim, (Honoris Causa).

Prof Bambang Karsono menyampaikan penghargaan dan rasa terima kasihnya kepada Universitas Mindanao.

“Saya mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada Rektor UM dan seluruh jajarannya, serta kepada Pimpinan Lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi di sini, yang telah menganugerahi saya dengan gelar yang sangat bergengsi, ‘Honoris Causa’ Doktor Kriminologi,” ucapnya.

Ia mengatakan, pemberian gelar Ph.D., D.Crim, (Honoris Causa) ini merupakan sebuah kehormatan dan ia memastikan akan terus berkontribusi untuk kemajuan dunia pendidikan, ilmu pengetahuan dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat melalui keilmuan yang dimilikinya.

Prof. Bambang Karsono expressed his appreciation and gratitude to the University of Mindanao.

"I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the President of UM and all his staff, as well as to the Heads of Higher Education Institutions here, who have awarded me with the very prestigious title, 'Honoris Causa' Doctor of Criminology," he said.

He said that the award of the Ph.D., D.Crim, (Honoris Causa) degree was an honor and he ensured that he would continue to contribute to the advancement of the world of education, science and community service through his knowledge.

Sementara itu, Presiden University of Mindanao (UM), Dr. Guillermo P. Torres, Jr menyatakan, gelar ini layak disandang Prof Bambang Karsono. Dedikasinya di dunia pendidikan dan penegak hukum ini sejalan dengan nilai-nilai yang dianut oleh UM yaitu unggul, inovasi, integrasi dan kerja sama.

“Kontribusinya yang signifikan sebagai seorang pendidik yang berdedikasi dan perjalanan panjang sebagai penegak hukum. Seorang petugas kepolisian yang profesional dan Warga Negara Indonesia yang sangat aktif dalam berbagai kegiatan sipil lokal dan internasional, mencerminkan nilai-nilai inti University of Mindanao yaitu keunggulan, kejujuran, integritas, inovasi, dan kerja sama,” katanya.

Meanwhile, the President of the University of Mindanao, Dr. Guillermo P. Torres, Jr. D.Ed stated that this title was worthy of Prof. Bambang Karsono. His dedication to the world of education and law enforcement is in line with the values ​​espoused by UM, namely excellence, innovation, integration and cooperation.

“His significant contributions as a dedicated educator and long journey as a law enforcer. "A professional police officer and Indonesian citizen who is very active in various local and international civic activities, reflects the core values ​​of the University of Mindanao, namely excellence, honesty, integrity, innovation and cooperation," he said.

Professorial Lecture