Research Progress Report

4 APRIL 2024

Dua Dosen University of Mindanao, yakni Dr. Rowela Cartin Pecson dan Dr. Phyll Jhann E. Gildore, paparkan progres riset di Program Faculty Exchange di Ubhara Jaya, Kamis (04/04/2024)

University of Mindanao lecturers, namely Dr. Rowela Cartin Pecson and Dr. Phyll Jhann E. Gildore, explained research progress at the Faculty Exchange Program at Ubhara Jaya, Thursday April 4, 2024.

Dr. Rowela memaparkan hasil penelitiannya tentang “Defending the digital domain a critical look at cybercrime legislation in Indonesia and the Philippines” atau penerapan undang-undang terkait kejahatan siber di Indonesia dan Filipina.

Dr. Rowela explained the results of her research on "Defending the digital domain a critical look at cybercrime legislation in Indonesia and the Philippines" or the implementation of laws related to cyber crime in Indonesia and the Philippines.

Dr. Rowela mengatakan, penelitian dilaksanakan selama tiga bulan. Dalam paparannya, dia menemukan ada kesamaan pengawasan dalam cyber crime. Jika di Philipina ada Republic Act 10179 maka di Indonesia ada undang-undang yang mengatur pengawasan.

Dr. Rowela said the research was carried out for three months. In his presentation, he found that there were similarities in supervision in cyber crime. If in the Philippines there is Republic Act 10179, then in Indonesia there is a law that regulates supervision.

“In the Philippines we have a republic Act 10179 and in Indonesia it has undang-undang,” katanya.

Dr. Rowela pun menjelaskan, ini menunjukkan pentingnya regulasi dan pengawasan atas ruang digital untuk mencegah dan menanggulangi kejahatan siber di kedua negara tersebut. Dalam hal ini penanganan cybercrime di Indonesia dilakukan oleh kepolisian.

Dr. Rowela also explained that this shows the importance of regulation and supervision of the digital space to prevent and overcome cyber crime in the two countries. In this case, the handling of cybercrime in Indonesia is carried out by the police.

“Cybercrime legislation in Indonesia explained by the police of cybercrime office,” ucapnya.

Sementara untuk Dr. Phyll Jhann E.Gildore memaparkan penelitian tentang “Effective Reading Intervention Strategies for Primary Grade Students In Indonesia a Systematic Review”. Tema ini diangkat sesuai bidang pendidikan yang diambil. Sama halnya dengan Dr. Rowela, penelitian ini juga dilaksanakan selama tiga bulan dari Februari hingga April. Dari hasil penelitiannya tersebut, Dr Phyll menyimpulkan jika ada beberapa strategi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca yang memenuhi syarat yakni adanya interaktivitas, relevansi, memakai desain visual yang menarik dan pendekatan dengan aplikasikan elemen permainan.

Meanwhile for Dr. Phyll Jhann E. Gildore explained research on "Effective Reading Intervention Strategies for Primary Grade Students in Indonesia a Systematic Review". This theme is raised according to the field of education taken. Likewise with Dr. Rowela, this research was also carried out for three months from February to April. From the results of his research, Dr Phyll concluded that there are several strategies to improve reading skills that meet the requirements, namely interactivity, relevance, using attractive visual design and an approach that applies game elements.

“Interactivity with materials is also relevant, engaging visual design and gamification,” tuturnya.

Usai pemaparan keduanya pun mengucapkan salam perpisahan dan berterima kasih kepada Rektor Ubhara Jaya Irjen. Pol (Purn) Prof. Dr. Drs. Bambang Karsono, S.H., M.M, dan segenap sivitas akademik Ubhara Jaya.

After the presentation, the two of them said goodbye and thanked the Rector of Ubhara Jaya, Police Inspector General (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Drs. Bambang Karsono, S.H., M.M, and the entire Ubhara Jaya academic community.